Why does Alexa analytics show different visits per day, but my Wordpress dashboard shows different visits per day?
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Alexa is the best and the only place Which ranks the site on the popularity of the use. So, no doubt, it is more accurate.
Alexa only calculates the Views from the unique visitor and All this work is done with the help Of a Machine Learning and AI Algorithm.
This is because of the following reason.
- Many times Wordpress Count the visits from your site so the visits in the dashboard are a sum of Your views+ Visitors View, Which increase total views in wp dashboard.
- Everytime you open dashboard and preview site or open through same or regular IP view is count.
- Alexa work on the AI and ML algorithm although it is most accurate, looking like your site is new, so the AI and ML algorithm need to be adapt your site audience, and all condition. Simple Ways To Grow Your Website Traffic by 45%
- All the things have done soon and you can see much more accurate views on Alexa as it especially makes for this task only.
- For more Wordpress guide subscribe my blog aaoolo.com and shopingspider.com
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