Read Book Online in the Form of series. List of some Books by AaOoLo Owner a
Each Chapter each week fix day and fix time.
I am a cold Blogger a Feeling Writer and combination of chemical and computer engineering. And as an engineering student have an ability to expand anything from a single sentence to a paragraph.
So this skilled I got due to my lifestyle which I think making me a bored person ut at the same time I don't realise that If I used this skills in a positive way then this will can help me to do something that I want, from childhood and also in the very bottom of my also tries from childhood to be. TO BE A "WRITER"
From childhood, because I have blessed with strong memory and this is also not from childhood but from after some years of my life.
And of course, there is a big story which I want to tell you from childhood memories and I think this storytelling attitude is the key to becoming the writer alongside with THE Creativity.
And I think, All of us have this creativity and all of us can express himself and by doing this in a disciplined manner in form of content and arranging it in a proper way is the solution or a simple step toward the "Way of becoming Writer."
There is various Book I Am presenting Infront of my great audience i.e.You my lovable reader thanks for being there with me and uplifted me.
1] A Suicide Addict, A Millionaire.
2] The London Girl in India.
3] A Journey that never ends.
4] Youtube, a Dream.
The Book mentioned above is upcoming in a very short while in the form of series ( One Chapter = One Series) and the like this many short Book Series is Coming next to My love, the people who read my blog and show faith in me.
The First Part of each Book comes here at Blogspot Blog AaOoLo Book
And the Next part of series is available to you all on my website AaOoLo.Com